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Month: April 2018

Dead Flowers

Ye pressed and faded flowers, once so gay,
Alas! now dead —
Sad remnants are ye of a happy day
That long has fled.
Ah! well remember I the garden fair,
In which ye grew,
The brightest flowers with thee blossom’d there;
Blithe swallows flew
Towards their tiny nests below the eaves;
The summer breeze
Soft whisper’d rustling through the quivering leaves
Of linden trees,
Upon the terraced lawn.
The swallaws now, to warmer southern climes,
Away have flown,
Now fall the brown leaves slowly from the limes,
The ground is strewn.
And naught is left to me of those dear hours
I pass’d with thee,
But recollection, and these faded flowers,
Then plucked for me,
Now — how unlike them when in light they beamed
In scented air,
And in bright sunshine jewel dewdrops gleamed
On petals fair,
Upon the terraced lawn.
The day returns no more — thou art away,
All — all is past,
The flowers then gather’d fresh — now where are they?
Dried, — dead at last!
Yet as they still their form and colour keep,
Though life has flown,
Their memory with magic touch can sweep,
And wake the tone
Of long lost chords, dreamlike, bring back to me
Once more the hours
I spent beneath the linden trees with thee,
Amid the flowers
Upon the terraced lawn.
The iron hands of Time our joys will clasp,
They ne’er return,
Fair flow’rets wither in his cruel grasp,
In vain we mourn,
And sighing would reclaim them; yet the hand
That takes can give,
And other blossoms on the barren land
Ere long will live,
So, though those hours to me return no more,
I hope always
The time that stole them may to me restore
Some happy days,
Upon the terraced lawn.

by William Barnes

Model: Ilia

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Taman Negara Jungle

“Taman Negara was established at the Titiwangsa Mountains, Malaysia, in 1938/1939 as the King George V National Park. Taman Negara has a total area of 4,343 km2 and has a reputation as the world’s oldest deciduous rainforest, estimated to be more than 130 million years old.” [Wikpedia]

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The November 3, 2013 total solar eclipse – is when the moon passes between the sun and the earth and directly blocks the light of the sun. The total phase of the solar eclipse was very brief and it was only seen for 15 seconds. The partial eclipse started at 16:25 pm, the total eclipse occured at 17:25pm and the partial eclipse then ended at 18:27 pm.

The best observation place of the solar eclipse was terrain in the near of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya. Lake Turkana formerly known as Lake Rudolf, is a lake in the Kenyan Rift Valley, with its far northern end crossing into Ethiopia.  It is the world’s largest permanent desert lake and the world’s largest alkaline lake.

The local people were also collected to observe this phenomena together with our photo team.


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Kawah Ijen Volcano

“The Ijen volcano complex is a group of composite volcanoes in the Banyuwangi Regency of East Java, Indonesia. Ijen and its sulfur mining was featured in the 1991 IMAX film Ring of Fire, and as a topic on the 5th episode of the BBC television documentary Human Planet. In the documentary film War Photographer, journalist James Nachtwey visits Ijen and struggles with noxious fumes while trying to photograph workers. Michael Glawogger filmWorkingman’s Death is about sulfur workers.” [Wikipedia]

“The sulfur, which is deep red in colour when molten, pours slowly from the ends of these pipes and pools on the ground, turning bright yellow as it cools. The miners break the cooled material into large pieces and carry it away in baskets. Miners carry loads ranging from 75 to 90 kilograms (165 to 198 lb), up 300 metres (980 ft) to the crater rim, with a gradient of 45 to 60 degrees and then 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) down the mountain for weighing. Most miners make this journey twice a day. A nearby sulfur refinery pays the miners by the weight of sulfur transported; as of September 2010, the typical daily earnings were equivalent to approximately $13 US. The miners often receive insufficient protection while working around the volcano and complain of numerous respiratory afflictions. There are 200 miners, who extract 14 tons per day – about 20% of the continuous daily deposit.” [Wikipedia]

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To Live in the 1920's

flappers, with tall blond
hair, a decade of the
doller, bubbles of false
prosperity, a crash, a hit,
a miss, a sudden dropp
in the bankers eyes
and face, the start of
a new age-the jazz age.
the age the stock market
crashed, and fell to the

by David Gerardino

Model: Aleksandra

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Filing My Mistakes Away

eave me alone for a moment.
I need to collect my thoughts.
Some need to be boxed and atticked.
Some need to be re-examined.
Some need to be set free.
Some must be set alight.

So leave me in this dusty clutter.
Leave a tea tray before the door.
I will nibble on buttered toast.
I will sip tepid tea.
I will sift through my past
One yellowed sheet at a time.

Funny isn’t it how our own words
Written long ago in a different script
Can bring us back to who we once were
For a confused reunion with our present selves?

I was never you; you are not who I will be.
And yet we can both clearly see the path
That leads both forward and back
And together recover the threads that have frayed.

Sometimes a day spent alone in our own company
Is a necessary therapy session between ego and soul.
What one has done the other cannot erase
But if we listen there may be forgiveness in the higher silence.

None of us is born wise.
None of us escapes self-hate.
None of us can bear close scrutiny
Without exposing some past shame.

But time puts things in perspective.
We come to see that we could never reach
The standards of perfections we expected
When we thought the world was like our mind.

Decades of battering by reality
Leaves us scarred and cynical
But still within is that pilot light
That draws us like a winged thing.

So when the world turns my thoughts
To sarcasm and pathetic apathy
I rally my hope and ride it like a Valkyrie.
I sentence my pessimism to death to let myself live.

Then, I journey on safe in the knowledge
That I see little
I understand less
And yet I am as wise as I need to be to survive.

by Suzanne Hayasaki

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