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Month: May 2018

Love's Philosophy

The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle –
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea –
What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Model: Edyta

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The Owl

Down swoops lonely owl
Graceful talons search for prey
As field mice scatter

May you land, dear owl,
Where love is a place, learning
the language of the night.

May you understand
“…the unfinished creation
Of a changing soul.”

by Eric Pon


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My World Is Falling Down

there’s such a sad love
deep in my eyes, a kind of pale Jewel
opened and closed within my eyes
there’s such a fooled heart
beating so fast in search of new dreams
a love that will die within my heart
the pain sweeps through
it makes no sense for me
every thrill has gone
it wasn’t too much fun at all
my world is falling down
you paint me mornings of gold
you spin me valentine evenings
I feel like a stranger
choosing the wrong paths
I have no love just an empty space
my eyes can be cruel
I’m always a bad romance

Model: Agnieszka (paranoja)

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Reflection Of Love

I looked in the mirror
But I failed to see
A reflection of myself
For you have all of me
And all of me
Needs all of you
To make my dreams come true
And if I don’t get to see you soon
I don’t know what I’ll do
For love struck like lightning
But it only took one flash
To let me know I love you
And forever it will last
So while the stars
I have wished upon
Witness from above
You’ll see a face
Beside your own
Reflecting all my love.


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A Shot Of Espresso, Please

Her skin dark brown
Her love is like coffee.
Intensified soon as it tastes my mouth.
Quick sips taken as its burn is one not to forget.
The aftertaste lingers on throughout the day.
The rush is manic
The never ending thought of you.
As time wears, the scold wears thin
An enjoyable fixation.
Missing you.
The romantic meeting of lips
Yours and mine, without need for creamer nor sugar.
The taste is bold. Reflections of your eyes and mine.
It stains. Remembrance of you
I love the essence. The aroma that leaves me craving for more.
I can’t wait until we meet again

by Kewayne Wadley

Model: Alex & Michael

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The Girl In The Mirror

She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass
She is just trying to last
She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass

She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass
She wants to get out
But all she does is put on a pout
She taps on the glass
Hoping someone will pass
She’s sick of waiting
And sick of baiting
She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass

She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass
She sits alone
And all she does is moan
She yells for help
But it sounds more of a yelp
She hates her life
And goes for the knife…
She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass

She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass
She believes it’s too late
and she doesn’t believe in fate
she wants help but doesn’t ask
it seems like more of a task
She wants to love
But it seems above
She’s the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass

I’m the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass
I am just trying to last
I’m the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass

by Lillie Ellis


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Whispers Into The Brick Wall

Who else will listen silently while I speak of my love for you
Who else will stand still while I whisper my secrets
Those deep, hidden secrets buried in my heart
Except this rough, brick wall
Standing so tough and so tall
While I whisper all I have to say;
Nobody would remain as stoic and immobile.
No, nobody could or would. I, myself
Knowing myself so well, can hardly believe all
That I pour out into this ready wall’s ear
I, myself, can hardly listen to my own words
Speaking out my barely avowed hesitations
And uncommitted love’s crimes; I, myself softly touch
This rugged wall and it’s surface
As though it is the skin of my loved one’s face.

by Rani Turton


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Beautiful Skin

I love the shades
Of your beautiful skin
How in winter it blends
With the sheets we’ve been laying in

I love how the summer sun
Rains as you tan
When your resting on the beach
Laying in the sand

In autumn your skin glows in lantern light
Halloween your skin hides
But I can see your eyes under the mask
And later on I’ll see what’s inside

I love the spring rains turning you porcelain
I love the skin you live in
The flowers aid your angel scent
The intoxicated smell is the reason I sin

I love the beautiful skin your living in
I’m addicted to the taste of it
I love the scent driving me in love
I love the beautiful skin you live in

by Christian Rivera

Model: Gracja

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Tainted Lovers, Love Lying Lovers Lies

With you inside me,
feeling my soul,
I let out a moan.
It’s sinful, sinful I remind myself.
But it feels so right.
Your fingertips digging into my hips,
my arms meeting on your chest,
I can almost hear your heartbeating.
Without hesitation,
I push down.
Moving so as to penitrate deeper.
I want you to feel the sorrow,
buried deep in my being.
See the dreams I gave up on.
What does life have left to offer me, besides sadness?
Is my perception so far from reality?
I feel so distant.
When we lay together,
I uncontrolably cover you in sweet kisses.
It’s a poor substitue for tears,
but it’s unseen just the same.
I will wrap you in my arms,
and pretend that I’m alright.
But really, what is alright anymore?
I have all these thoughts, shimmering behind my eyes.
Can you not see them?
My fingers are crossed,
and I promise.
I make promises, I don’t always intend to keep.
But I’m sure you’ve realized that.
I’m sorry I could never be enough for you.
Through eyes so clouded,
the word beauty would never leave my tongue.
I don’t see myself as such.
Infact, I feel almost,
What love could I give you,
but a tainted one?

by Dakota Ellerton

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